Explaining Your LinkedIn Activity to Current EmployerS

Job Placement

As a professional LinkedIn profile developer and writer, one of the biggest concerns my clients express about LinkedIn is maintaining their privacy from current employers. “What if they see I’m job hunting?” is the most common question when urging my clients to establish a LinkedIn profile. In today’s digital world, most employers are on LinkedIn, but not in the way you think. They aren’t there to snoop on current employee profiles and “catch” you in the act of networking. They’re on LinkedIn for the same reason everyone else is on LinkedIn – to network with like-minded business professionals.

LinkedIn provides employers with access to unlimited, global talent while allowing individual profiles to network, share business tips, and exchange ideas. The boss you’re so worried about impressing or offending? They’re likely on LinkedIn doing the same networking and job opportunity browsing as you are. LinkedIn is a personal social network designed for professional networking; your employers don’t retain the right to control what you do on your personal networking sites. Don’t let fears about employer visibility into your LinkedIn activity keep you from maximizing the benefits of this incredible professional networking resource. With just a little time and effort, your LinkedIn profile can open doors, start conversations, and even get you more money.

What LinkedIn Activity Can Your Employers See?

LinkedIn provides numerous privacy features to keep your account protected and your information as public or private as you choose. From the very first click, LinkedIn requires viewers to log in and become members before unlocking your full LinkedIn profile. This means an employer who isn’t on LinkedIn can’t see anything other than your very basic info – and even your basic info will get locked down and require a login when LinkedIn detects repeat visits and profile clicks.

If you’re specifically worried about your current employer seeing your job search information, try making your LinkedIn activity private using LinkedIn’s built-in activity privacy options. LinkedIn gives you the option to turn off public or network-visible profile changes through customizable Visibility settings. You can hide everything from updates to post activity. Remember, however, that LinkedIn is intended to be a tool for you to find your ideal employers. Locking down everything in your profile isn’t necessarily the best option when trying to showcase who you are, what you’ve done, and how much talent you can bring to professional organizations. 

LinkedIn Invites Transparency – Welcome It!

LinkedIn is a well-known, highly-respected professional – yet personal – networking site. Instead of blocking your current employer with strategic privacy settings and tight audience security, try approaching your fears from another perspective. Think about it – we’ve established that to see your profile and updates, your employer needs to be on LinkedIn themselves, right? Chances are, if your boss is on LinkedIn, they’re also networking and browsing potential career opportunities. This is what LinkedIn is all about! 

Your current employer is a real, individual person with career goals just like you. Don’t dread a conversation with your current employer about your LinkedIn activity – invite it! Conversations about job options open you up to a world of potential, including possible pay raises, transparency between you and your leaders, and crucial conversations about what you need to stay on board in your current role. 

LinkedIn is Worth the Effort

LinkedIn is a personal network used to communicate with other professionals and bring new ideas to your workplace. Diversity is key in today’s business environment and the more ideas you bring to the table, the better! Don’t lose sight of what LinkedIn is all about by forgoing participation due to worries about your current employers. Outside insight and perspective can actually help you earn credibility with current employers and bring you closer to your career goals!

The risk of being “found out” by your employers is well worth the leg-up LinkedIn provides to each and every person on its platform. Your employers want to work with people who genuinely want to be there, and if that isn’t you, opening up conversations with your employer through LinkedIn activity may be one way of changing the tide for your career and workplace. Combine LinkedIn’s potential impact of change with diverse ideas from global connections, and you have a winning formula for success!

Still unsure and struggling to know where to start with your LinkedIn profile? Connect with me here to learn about my professional and certified LinkedIn profile development services. Together, we can ensure your profile represents your most ideal traits, experience, and career goals. Don’t let unfounded fears hold you back from making the most of your time, energy, and knowledge. Let’s get you on LinkedIn so you can start reaping the rewards of an 800-million-strong network of professionals today!

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