Now, I get it. An article telling you to invest your time in yet another social media platform? Between the TikToks and Instagram Reels, it can all get a little overwhelming! Who has time to engage in all these platforms? Well, if I may…you do. You see, developing and engaging with your LinkedIn profile actually saves you time in the long run. LinkedIn isn’t just another social platform filled with pictures of cute puppies and holiday recipes. LinkedIn is designed specifically for working professionals. It provides a career-focused place to learn about new developments in your field, meet new and tenured people with your same career interests, and gain exposure to new career opportunities. Spend less time searching for your ideal job and driving to networking events by capitalizing on LinkedIn’s unique career campaign features and benefits.
LinkedIn Networking Goes Above and Beyond
LinkedIn is a wonderful way to stay in contact with previous employers and coworkers. Take advantage of your historical connections by requesting LinkedIn recommendations! Think of LinkedIn recommendations like Google reviews – they’re written by someone who’s worked with you and observed your skills first-person. LinkedIn recommendations are read by nearly everyone who visits your profile and are a great way to showcase past projects, teamwork skills, and competitive strengths. Try requesting recommendations from previous leaders, coworkers, and subordinates and remember to ask at various intervals so the recommendations are strategically spaced out when posted to your profile.
Networking on LinkedIn reaches beyond local coworkers, too. In terms of your career campaign, this means that with a well-built, attractive LinkedIn profile, you can essentially show off your professional experience and talents to a global network of professionals in your field. Ever thought about taking a teaching job on the other side of the country? How about that new facility that opened up in Berlin? Does the idea of meeting Japanese business counterparts fill you with excitement? With LinkedIn, unique, global job opportunities are more attainable than ever. Break through boundaries and borders by connecting on LinkedIn to people around the world.
LinkedIn is a Virtual Resume – Expanded!
Gone are the days of purchasing reams of embossed resume paper to help advance your resume through the review process. Today’s hiring managers are using the power of tech to reach talent in every city, background, and experience level. Take full advantage of LinkedIn’s capacity to digitize your resume by including more information, personality, and detail than a one-page resume allows. LinkedIn lets you blow beyond the boundaries of the page through multimedia like videos, links, and photographs. Craft a stunning LinkedIn summary to hint toward your unique personality and engage visitors to learn more about you with the use of call-to-actions and diverse, captivating portfolios. LinkedIn does more than provide a virtual version of your resume – it allows you to build your brand identity within the career path of your choice.
LinkedIn Job Opportunities – Easy, Efficient, and Effective
Forget about spending hours upon hours scouring five different job board sites and slogging through hundreds of potential employer applications a day. LinkedIn has over 55 million registered companies waiting to learn more about you – and hire you! LinkedIn job opportunities are easy to search, easy to filter, and easy to apply to. Combine LinkedIn’s intuitive, uncomplicated job board characteristics with a streamlined virtual representation of who you are as a professional, and you’ve got an efficient, rewarding way to connect to employers worldwide. LinkedIn provides recruiters and hiring personnel with the information they need while offering you a simple way to submit your resume and cover letter to your ideal job opportunities. This is why LinkedIn is so successful – it’s a win-win for everyone!
Building your LinkedIn profile doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. Matter of fact, there are a number of professional LinkedIn profile experts available to help streamline your LinkedIn engagement efforts. Zoetic Resume and Writing Services understands the pressure to make your LinkedIn profile perfect. As a Nationally Certified Online Profile Expert (NCOPE) through the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), I provide the skills and talent you need to take your profile to the next level. Want to learn more? Connect with me here and discover how together we can digitize your resume using LinkedIn and ensure you’re getting the exposure and access you need to reach your career goals.