Why a Resume Costs so Much

Resume Writing

Take a walk down memory lane with me: There I am, trying to land my first teaching job in a really tough job market. I finally land an interview after applying to nearly every independent school district in the state of Michigan. I immediately head out and spend $200 on a new Ann Taylor suit and some new heels, leaving me with only $80 in my bank account.  

Now, which do you think will land you a higher-paying job: designer interview attire, or a professionally-written resume? Sure, I looked and felt spiffy in my fancy new businesswear, but did my potential employers really care more about my clothes than your resume? Resumes showcase education, experience, and value. Clothes don’t catch the eyes of applicant tracking systems, earn you interviews, or land you a higher-paying job – resumes do. To think the return on my investment would’ve been so much higher had I invested in a professionally-written resume instead of a new wardrobe! By understanding the costs associated with professional resume writing, you can align your priorities to earn the very best return on your investment – a dream job!

You’re Paying for Education

Professional resume writers are highly-educated wordsmiths with a knack for professional composition, communication, and prose. Some, like myself, are certified through educational nonprofit organizations like The National Resume Writers’ Association and credentialing groups like the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches. These organizations provide certification programs, accreditation through regulatory panels, and enhanced skill-building tools for their members. Continued education is a critical component of professional resume services; I want your resume to stand the test of time, yet be fluid enough to adapt to ever-changing technological environments. My teaching background lends well to this aspect of professional resume writing as I organically maintain a high drive for continued education. Expert education understandably requires immeasurable amounts of time and money so I can position myself in the best possible place to make the greatest impact on your career goals. 

You’re Paying for Research

Professionally written resumes are individually tailored to both the applicant and the job they’re applying for. This means resume writers need to be familiar with every industry their clients wish to apply to. We’re responsible for understanding each role, each set of responsibilities, and the primary hiring qualities each organization looks for in applicants. We’re tasked with aligning each of those requirements to your professional skills and experiences to help your resume stand out and win the interview. Professional resume writers spend countless hours finding and cataloging these connections in an internal library of knowledge so we can use every bit of information to compose the perfect resume for your dream job.    

You’re Paying for Connection

It’s what you know, and who knows you.” A perfect resume outranks only one other critical component of your job search – networking. As a professional resume writer, my accomplishments as a writer are due in part to the connections I’ve made to industry leaders and professionals in career paths across the globe. My connections to employers, human resource personnel, industries, and jobs mean I can easily link my clients to the people and organizations that will best further their career goals. Not only are you paying for insider knowledge and employer-approved expertise, but you’re investing in a long-term, collaborative teammate. I work with my clients for life and follow you along your career journey to ensure your resume captures every new skill and value you encompass. 
It pays to invest in professional resume writing services. Not every resume writer offers a dedication to continued education, enthusiasm for research, and devotion for building meaningful connections. In the resume writing world, you absolutely get what you pay for. Spend your dollars wisely by investing in someone who cares about your professional growth and partners with you to ensure your goals are met and success is inevitable. Zoetic Resume & Writing Services is here to help you perfect your resume, polish your cover letter, and sharpen your LinkedIn profile. Connect with me here to learn more about my process and how, with Zoetic, you always get more for your money.

Land Your Next Role

We want to help you look your best and propel your career with a great resume, cover letter, and online profile.