How to Land a Remote Job

Job Placement

Today’s workplace is more flexible than ever before, with remote jobs comprising over 15% of US-based career opportunities. Remote jobs result in better work-life balance, fewer commute-related expenses, and higher productivity, consequently creating a win-win situation for both employers and working professionals. Landing a remote job requires a few extra considerations during the search, application, and interview process. By adhering to some simple strategies, the positive benefits of a remote job are well within reach. 

Remote Job Search Tips

Once a time-consuming art of scouring hundreds of posted positions with vague details, remote job opportunities are now easier to find than ever before, thanks in part to the ever-evolving accommodations offered by online job search resources. Digital job boards now offer handy search filters and tools so candidates can swiftly isolate remote-only opportunities. As remote jobs continue to grow in popularity, making the most of job search tools is paramount to staying competitive and successfully landing your desired role.

  • Decide whether you want to be salaried, hourly, or contracted. Remote job opportunities offer a variety of options and each should be carefully weighed against your long-term goals. 
  • Make smart use of online resources. LinkedIn is a fantastic place to gain access to thousands of job opportunities while attracting the attention of top employers with unique profile features and robust search tools. Remote-specific job boards like Flexjobs eliminate the need for filters and allow access to remote-only positions in a niche, customized environment.
  • Define the type of remote workplace you need. Some remote jobs offer team-based work opportunities, while others leave remote employees completely on their own. Learn which environment is important to you and pivot your search strategy accordingly.  

Building a Remote Job Portfolio

One potential pitfall of applying online to remote positions is that you’re unlikely to network with, speak with, or meet each potential employer in person. While access to country-wide jobs is a major benefit of seeking remote positions, the distance between you and your ideal employers sometimes causes communication barriers. Webcams only convey so much of your personality and professionalism; a well-presented, professional digital portfolio is consequently vital to landing the remote job you want. 

  • Organize your accomplishments digitally. Try using a website or universally-known program, like Adobe or Google Slides, to create and share copies of your portfolio.
  • Use professional graphics and color schemes. Keeping your content visually appealing keeps potential employers engaged and attentive. 
  • Update your portfolio regularly. Carve out designated time to add new accomplishments, applicable metrics, and continued education. 
  • Be selective and strategic with your content. Your portfolio should show your strongest, most applicable work. If it doesn’t put your best foot forward and contribute to your potential employer’s goals, it doesn’t belong in your portfolio. 
  • Keep your portfolio accessible. Add links to your portfolio in your LinkedIn profile content, email signature, and networking pages. Make it easy for employers to see your hard work.

Remote Job Interview Tips

Understanding how to navigate a remote job interview is key to getting hired. Don’t let the virtual space and in-person distance intimidate you; a remote job interview is extremely similar to a traditional in-person interview. Success can be achieved by executing a little research and preparation ahead of time.

  • Highlight your ability to be self-motivated. Remote jobs often require better time management and self-regulation than office positions. Employers value reassurance you won’t slack or take advantage of little-to-no supervision. Prepare strong examples of your independence and reliability.  
  • Research potential employers online. Most organizational goals, workplace culture objectives, and employer needs can be gleaned from company websites. Take time to craft some employer-specific talking points and compatibility examples to discuss during your interview. 
  • Ask questions. Asking questions during your interview proves initiative, engagement, and a good fit. Questions should piggyback on the organizationally-specific research you conducted prior to the interview. 
  • Stay professional. Ensure your camera view is free from clutter, inappropriate objects, or things you wouldn’t want potential employers to see in person. Dress professionally, avoid breaking eye contact to type notes in another window, and eliminate interruptions. Treat remote job interviews the same way you would an in-person interview – with full attention and professionalism. This is how you will appear to colleagues, bosses, and potentially, clients; don’t let a remote environment make you overly comfortable and unprofessional.      

Are you hoping to enter the online workforce or take the leap from office-based employment to a remote job? Remote positions attract at least double the amount of candidates; positioning yourself as the best candidate is incredibly important. Let Zoetic Resume and Writing Services help you land your ideal role by expertly showcasing your unique compatibility and valuable experience with a professionally-written resume and cover letter. Together we’ll explore your long-term goals, career objectives, and experience and translate them into a customized, eye-catching resume designed specifically for remote job opportunities. Connect with me here to learn more about professional resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn services, and more.

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